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User login
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Edit role's permissions
administrator member
Organic groups
Edit group
Edit the group. Note: This permission controls only node entity type groups.
administrator member: Edit group
Administer group
Manage group members and content in the group.
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications in the group context.
administrator member: Administer group
Organic groups UI
Subscribe to group
Allow non-members to request membership to a group (approval required).
administrator member: Subscribe to group
Subscribe to group (no approval required)
Allow non-members to join a group without an approval from group administrators.
administrator member: Subscribe to group (no approval required)
Unsubscribe from group
Allow members to unsubscribe themselves from a group, removing their membership.
administrator member: Unsubscribe from group
Approve and deny subscription
Users may allow or deny another user's subscription request.
administrator member: Approve and deny subscription
Add user
Users may add other users to the group without approval.
administrator member: Add user
Manage members
Users may remove group members and alter member status and roles.
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications in the group context.
administrator member: Manage members
Add roles
Users may view group roles and add new roles if group default roles are overriden.
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications in the group context.
administrator member: Add roles
Manage permissions
Users may view the group permissions page and change permsissions if group default roles are overriden.
Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications in the group context.
administrator member: Manage permissions